Penetration Testing in Zero Trust
June 11, 2024

Embracing Zero Trust Security: A Strategic Imperative for Modern Businesses

Cyber threats are continuing to evolve, grow in sophistication and be more pervasive, causing traditional security measures to be no longer sufficient. This inadequacy has paved the way for the adoption of Zero Trust security strategies, a paradigm shift in how security is approached and implemented within organisations. Organisational adoption of Zero Trust security frameworks… Continue reading Embracing Zero Trust Security: A Strategic Imperative for Modern Businesses

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cyber security companies | penetration testing | managed security service provider | cyber security consultant
May 22, 2020

Introduction to Cutter

Cutter is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) built around the long-lived radare2 disassembler. The largest problem with radare2 is it’s usability. Whilst radare is efficient to use once mastered, it has many problems for first time users. Running pdf to ‘print disassembled function’ or aaa to analyze and auto-name all functions might seem intuitive to long time users but… Continue reading Introduction to Cutter

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