Game Over Privileges
On Windows a privilege is the right of an account, such as a user or group account, to perform various system-related operations on the local computer. There are 36 privileges defined in the Privilege Constants although a number are used internally by the operating system. There are a number of privileges that are considered game over, in… Continue reading Game Over Privileges
Making a PoC for CVE-2020-0668
Recently Clément Labro released a blog post about an arbitrary file move vulnerability he discovered. This was CVE-2020-0668 which involved abusing Service Tracing to cause an arbitrary file move with the help of symlinks. I confirmed the vulnerability using the Google Project Zero symboliclink-testing-tools but wanted to create a standalone executable, that could be easily shipped to a… Continue reading Making a PoC for CVE-2020-0668
Exploiting ASP.NET ViewState Misconfigurations for Remote Code Execution
This post explores how an ASP.NET project incorrectly disclosing its web.config containing static keys allows for remote code execution. The common cases for exploiting this vulnerability would be if the web application has published it’s static machine keys to GitHub, such as with the example project for this post ( or if the application has… Continue reading Exploiting ASP.NET ViewState Misconfigurations for Remote Code Execution